Unmarried pure man v attend jesus undistracted
Unmarried pure man v attend jesus undistracted

unmarried pure man v attend jesus undistracted unmarried pure man v attend jesus undistracted

6-19, are the dealings of God with the world-Jew and Gentile-for their rejection of Christ. And as the Body of Christ, how could they be in it? The judgments of that time, Rev. 3:10, promises: "I will keep thee (out of) from the hour of temptation," not through, but out of that is, they will not enter into it. Hence that prophecy in Matthew does not describe real Christians on earth, when the Lord returns nor are the troubles there described when the abomination of desolation is set up those through which real Christians will pass. Further, there must be a rapture of saints before the Lord comes to reign for all Christian saints will not die (1 Cor. For the return to reign cannot take place till He comes to destroy the beast (Rev.

unmarried pure man v attend jesus undistracted

Then, there is an ascertained point of time of some saints, and of all Christian saints, before the Lord came with His saints to reign. Therefore: They can be only in the first. Nor can they be in the second, for all these are martyrs. In which class of these three can we put Christians!? They cannot be in class 3, for the least has not yet been manifested. In 6 and 9, that sacred class there seen are not viewed as yet raised, nor is the company of martyrs there. The first of these classes are all raised and clothed with the white garments, Rev.

Unmarried pure man v attend jesus undistracted